Crossroads: A Conversation With America Airs September 25 2024 on PBS
“Crossroads: A Conversation With America” is set to air on PBS at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, 25 September 2024. In this thought-provoking special, Judy Woodruff takes center stage to delve into the pressing issues that divide Americans while also highlighting the values that unite them.
As the nation grapples with various social and political challenges, this program aims to create a space for open dialogue and understanding. Woodruff engages with a diverse array of voices and perspectives, encouraging viewers to reflect on what truly matters in today’s society. The show seeks to foster a sense of community by examining the shared values that can bridge gaps between differing viewpoints.
Throughout the episode, audiences can expect heartfelt discussions and insightful commentary that illuminate the complexities of American life. “Crossroads” promises to be a compelling exploration of the landscape of opinions and beliefs that shape the nation, making it an essential watch for those looking to better understand their fellow citizens. This conversation could spark new ideas and foster a deeper appreciation for the diverse tapestry of American culture.
Release Date & Time: 7:00 PM Wednesday 25 September 2024 on PBS
Crossroads: A Conversation With America Cast –
Main Cast |