Biography: Bret Michaels Airs June 16 2024 on A&E

This Sunday, June 16, at 9:00 PM, A&E presents “Biography: Bret Michaels,” a captivating look into the life and career of the iconic rock musician. Viewers can expect an in-depth exploration of Bret Michaels’ journey, from his rise to fame as the lead singer of the band Poison to his enduring legacy as a solo artist.

In this intimate documentary, audiences will get to know the man behind the music as Bret Michaels shares personal anecdotes, triumphs, and challenges that have shaped his remarkable career. From his early days in the music industry to his struggles with health issues and beyond, the documentary provides a comprehensive portrait of Michaels’ life and career.

Through exclusive interviews, archival footage, and behind-the-scenes glimpses, “Biography: Bret Michaels” offers fans a rare glimpse into the world of one of rock music’s most enduring and influential figures. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to Michaels’ music, this documentary promises to be a compelling and inspiring journey through the life of a true rock ‘n’ roll legend.

Don’t miss “Biography: Bret Michaels” on A&E this Sunday night at 9:00 PM. Tune in to celebrate the life and legacy of a beloved musician and experience the highs and lows of Bret Michaels’ incredible career firsthand.

Release Date & Time: 9:00 PM Sunday 16 June 2024 on A&E

Biography: Bret Michaels Cast –

Main Cast

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