Customer Wars Shopping Bag Shenanigans Airs May 28 2024 on A&E

In the upcoming episode of “Customer Wars” titled “Shopping Bag Shenanigans,” viewers are in for a rollercoaster of emotions as they witness two outrageous customer experiences unfold. Set in different locations but sharing a common theme of customer frustration, the episode promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

In Encino, California, tensions rise when a customer discovers that an item she purchased is missing from her shopping bag. As she navigates the twists and turns of trying to resolve the situation, viewers will feel her exasperation and determination to set things right. Meanwhile, in Saugus, Massachusetts, a relaxing day takes a bizarre turn for a man who finds himself locked inside a closed gym while enjoying the jacuzzi. The unexpected predicament he faces will leave viewers wondering how he will escape this unusual scenario.

With drama, humor, and unexpected turns, “Shopping Bag Shenanigans” is sure to be a memorable episode of “Customer Wars.” Tune in at 10:01 PM on Tuesday, 28 May 2024, on A&E to witness these customer tales that will have you laughing, gasping, and rooting for the protagonists as they navigate through their unique challenges. Don’t miss out on the entertainment and excitement that this episode promises to deliver!

Release Date & Time: 10:01 PM Tuesday 28 May 2024 on A&E

Customer Wars Shopping Bag Shenanigans Cast –

Main Cast

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