Four in a Bed Airs May 29 2024 on Channel 4

Tune in to Channel 4 this Wednesday at 6:00 PM for an exciting new episode of “Four in a Bed.” This time, the spotlight shines on Francesca and Maurizio as they open their doors to guests in The New Forest. With their eco-friendly hosting approach, Francesca and Maurizio are eager to impress their fellow competitors and showcase their commitment to sustainability.

As the guests arrive and settle in, tensions simmer as Francesca and Maurizio’s green initiatives are put to the test. From energy-saving measures to eco-friendly amenities, the couple’s dedication to environmental responsibility is scrutinized by the other B&B owners. Will their green approach win over the competition, or will it fall short of expectations?

Adding to the drama, the B&Bers are treated to a tree-hugging trip that leaves them divided. With differing opinions and expectations, tensions rise as the group navigates the challenges of their outdoor adventure. As the competition heats up, alliances are formed and rivalries emerge, leading to a nail-biting conclusion.

Join the journey as “Four in a Bed” explores the highs and lows of hospitality in The New Forest, with eco-friendly hosting, outdoor adventures, and plenty of drama along the way. Don’t miss out on the excitement this Wednesday at 6:00 PM on Channel 4.

Release Date & Time: 6:00 PM Wednesday 29 May 2024 on Channel 4

Four in a Bed Cast –

Main Cast
Mike Adams

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