Four in a Bed Airs May 30 2024 on Channel 4

This Thursday at 6:00 PM on Channel 4, “Four in a Bed” offers viewers an intriguing peek into the world of bed and breakfast accommodations. In this episode, Karl and Rohini take center stage as they host the final visit of the week at their unique lodging in Kent, featuring an indoor beach. However, not everyone is enamored with their unconventional setup.

As the hosts showcase their accommodation, tensions rise among the guests as they evaluate the amenities, cleanliness, and hospitality. Karl and Rohini’s indoor beach concept may divide opinions, with some guests expressing reservations about its novelty. The clash of preferences adds an extra layer of drama to the competition as each contestant vies for the title of best value for money.

“Four in a Bed” continues to entertain audiences with its blend of hospitality, rivalry, and candid feedback. Viewers can expect plenty of laughs and surprises as the contestants navigate the highs and lows of the competition. Tune in this Thursday at 6:00 PM on Channel 4 to see which establishment earns the highest ratings and claims victory in this entertaining showdown of bed and breakfasts.

Release Date & Time: 6:00 PM Thursday 30 May 2024 on Channel 4

Four in a Bed Cast –

Main Cast
Mike Adams

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