Marin Alsop Remembers… Leonard Bernstein Airs December 10 2023 on BBC Four

This Sunday at 8:00 PM on BBC Four, music enthusiasts are in for a treat with “Marin Alsop Remembers… Leonard Bernstein.” As part of the BBC’s Bernstein night, acclaimed conductor Marin Alsop opens up about her personal experiences with the iconic composer of West Side Story. In a nostalgic journey, Alsop shares her early inspiration, recalling the impactful moment she, as a nine-year-old, first witnessed Bernstein, a moment that ignited her dream to become a conductor.

Viewers can expect an intimate narrative as Marin Alsop delves into her journey from being a young admirer to becoming a student of the legendary Leonard Bernstein. The episode sheds light on why Bernstein holds such a significant place in the world of music and how his influence played a crucial role in inspiring Alsop to achieve her dreams.

Tune in for a heartfelt and insightful exploration of the profound impact of Leonard Bernstein on Marin Alsop’s life and career. “Marin Alsop Remembers… Leonard Bernstein” promises to be a touching tribute to a musical maestro, airing at 8:00 PM on Sunday, December 10, 2023, on BBC Four.

Release Date & Time: 8:00 PM Sunday 10 December 2023 on BBC Four

Marin Alsop Remembers… Leonard Bernstein Cast –

Main Cast

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