Mums on Strike Season 2 Episode 4 Airs August 11 2024 on Channel 5

This Sunday night, Channel 5 presents an intriguing new episode of “Mums on Strike,” airing at 9:00 PM on August 11th, 2024. Season 2 Episode 4 explores the dynamics of household responsibilities and personal boundaries through two compelling stories.

In this episode, viewers meet a karate-loving couple who have found themselves in a heated dispute over household chores. The argument centers on who truly handles the lion’s share of the housework, revealing the underlying tensions and frustrations that have surfaced in their daily lives. As they navigate this conflict, the show provides an insightful look into how couples manage domestic duties and the impact of these responsibilities on their relationship.

Additionally, the episode features 55-year-old Chrissy, who is struggling with the demands of looking after both her father and her immediate family. Feeling overwhelmed and unappreciated, Chrissy’s story highlights the challenges faced by those who juggle multiple caregiving roles while managing their own household.

Tune in to Channel 5 for “Mums on Strike” to witness these personal stories unfold and see how the characters address their challenges and strive for balance in their lives.

Release Date & Time: 9:00 PM Sunday 11 August 2024 on Channel 5

Mums on Strike Cast – Season 2 Episode 4

Main Cast

Ashley Wood

Ashley Wood is a passionate TV blogger with a keen eye for detail and a love for storytelling. She expertly crafts engaging previews and reviews, offering insightful commentary on the latest episodes and series. Ashley's writing resonates with fans, providing them with a deeper understanding and appreciation of their favorite shows.

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