Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Airs June 16 2024 on BBC Two

Tune in to BBC Two this Sunday, June 16, 2024, at 10:00 AM for a mouthwatering episode of “Saturday Kitchen Best Bites.” In this delicious installment, viewers are treated to a culinary journey featuring some of the most delectable dishes from past episodes.

Celebrity chefs Ching-He Huang, Nathan Outlaw, and Theo Randall showcase their culinary expertise with tantalizing recipes that are sure to impress. Ching-He Huang whips up a Macanese breakfast dish, a flavorful hash bursting with pork mince, oyster mushrooms, and potatoes, topped with a perfectly crispy fried egg.

Next, Nathan Outlaw takes us to his guesthouse menu with his signature kedgeree, featuring succulent smoked mackerel and smoked haddock. This classic dish gets a gourmet twist under Nathan’s expert hands, promising a symphony of flavors and textures.

Finally, Theo Randall delights viewers with his roasted lamb rump accompanied by a Sicilian-inspired caponata. With its tender lamb and vibrant, Mediterranean-inspired flavors, this dish is a feast for the senses.

Don’t miss out on this culinary extravaganza on “Saturday Kitchen Best Bites,” where each dish is a work of art crafted by some of the finest chefs in the industry. Join in the gastronomic adventure this Sunday at 10:00 AM on BBC Two.

Release Date & Time: 10:00 AM Sunday 16 June 2024 on BBC Two

Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Cast –

Main Cast
Matt Tebbutt
Helen McGinn
Olly Smith

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