Time for School Season 4 Episode 16 Kindness Day Airs September 2 2024 on CBeebies

In Season 4, Episode 16 of “Time for School,” titled “Kindness Day,” airing at 5:00 PM on Monday, 2 September 2024, on CBeebies, young viewers are invited to join in a delightful celebration of kindness. Mrs. Farrell and Miss Gerrard have organized a special day at school dedicated to showing kindness to one another, and the excitement is palpable as the class prepares to make this day truly memorable.

As the day begins, the children brainstorm creative ways to spread kindness among their classmates. Jessica and Orla decide to draw beautiful pictures for their teachers, bringing smiles to Mrs. Farrell and Miss Gerrard’s faces. Their thoughtful gesture highlights the importance of appreciation and gratitude in everyday interactions.

At lunchtime, the theme of kindness continues as Solomon struggles to open the lid on his yogurt. Sam steps in to help him, showcasing how simple acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone else’s day. “Time for School” teaches valuable lessons about empathy, teamwork, and friendship, all while providing an engaging and enjoyable viewing experience for children. This episode is sure to inspire young viewers to think of their own ways to be kind, making it a heartwarming addition to the series.

Release Date & Time: 5:00 PM Monday 2 September 2024 on CBeebies

Time for School Kindness Day Cast – Season 4 Episode 16

Main Cast

Ashley Wood

Ashley Wood is a passionate TV blogger with a keen eye for detail and a love for storytelling. She expertly crafts engaging previews and reviews, offering insightful commentary on the latest episodes and series. Ashley's writing resonates with fans, providing them with a deeper understanding and appreciation of their favorite shows.

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