Wardens of the North Season 1 Episode 4: Water-Winter Wonderland Airs September 17 2023 on Animal Planet
On Sunday, September 17, 2023, at 9:00 PM, Animal Planet will air Season 1, Episode 4 of “Wardens of the North” titled “Water-Winter Wonderland.” In this episode, viewers will be taken on a journey into the world of wildlife conservation and safety enforcement in the North.
The episode begins with a deer hunt that takes an alarming turn when shots are fired into a nearby home. The wardens must investigate the incident and ensure the safety of both the residents and the animals.
As snowmobile season kicks into high gear, riders flock to the winter wonderland of the North to enjoy the snowy landscapes. However, not all is smooth sailing, as some riders engage in unsafe driving practices that can put a damper on the fun and pose risks to themselves and others.
“Wardens of the North” offers a glimpse into the challenges faced by those responsible for protecting the wilderness and ensuring safety in this pristine but rugged environment.
Join in on Sunday, September 17, 2023, at 9:00 PM, on Animal Planet, to witness the action and responsibilities of the wardens in “Water-Winter Wonderland.”
Release Date & Time: 9:00 PM Sunday 17 September 2023 on Animal Planet
Wardens of the North Water-Winter Wonderland Cast – Season 1 Episode 4
Main Cast |