Paramedics on Scene Today October 2024 on BBC One

Today, October 23 2024, BBC presents the series the documentary following the life-saving work of Scotland’s paramedics.

Paramedics on Scene Today, October 23 2024

DateSummaryNew / Repeat
DateSummaryNew / Repeat
Friday, 28 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 19 of 20

Series following Paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

In Skye, Georgia and Paul must transport a footballer who has suffered seizures on the pitch to hospital. He needs to get to Inverness, over 100 miles away, and the crew must ensure he has not suffered any hidden injuries and is fit enough to travel before they begin the journey.

In Dundee, Chloe and Fergie respond to a call from a 94-year-old man who has been suffering seizures. They must decide whether taking him to hospital is the best course of action, or whether to leave him in the care of his family.

In the control centre, call handlers are still dealing with Covid-related calls, and in Inverness, the crew attend a man who may have suffered a stroke.
Thursday, 27 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 18 of 20

Series following Paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

On Skye, ambulance crews need to be prepared to transport patients long distances to and from hospital. Georgia and Paul attend a patient who has Covid and is having great difficulty in breathing. The crew suspect she may be suffering from a pulmonary embolism and need to get her to hospital in Inverness as quickly as possible - but it's a three-hour drive.

Meanwhile, in Inverness, paramedics Ryan and Heather are called to a woman with heart failure, and in Dunfermline, Jason and Billy attend a two-car crash near the Queensferry crossing.
Wednesday, 26 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 17 of 20

Series following Paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

In Renfrewshire, paramedics Gary and Peter are on call on one of the hottest days of the year. They assist a man who has been out walking in the heat and collapsed in a bus stop. The crew must ensure his exhaustion isn’t hiding a bigger problem.

In Coatbridge, Siobhan and Liam treat an older woman who is plagued by gall bladder problems, and in Inverness, Ryan and Heather respond to a call from a man who has suffered a suspected stroke. Strokes must be treated quickly, and every second counts.

In the control centre, call handler Remi must deal with a man who is falling in and out of consciousness.
Tuesday, 25 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 16 of 20

Series following Paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

Paramedics are called to a teenage girl who has had a dramatic fall from the top of a fence. She is in severe pain, and the crew must safely move her onto a specialist stretcher before taking her to hospital.

In Melrose, a crew call on Jacky, who has cancer and is struggling to breathe. Treating her at home tests all their skills.

In Dunfermline, Jason and Billy attend a patient who has gone to a GP surgery, afraid he is having a heart attack. The crew must keep him calm whilst checking his vital signs.
Monday, 24 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 15 of 20

Series following Paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

In Inverness, Lesley and Stuart attend a man who has fallen into the canal and been fished out by an alert member of the public. But as they treat the patient, it becomes clear he is intoxicated, and he reacts badly to the crew’s attempts to calm him down. Fearing for their safety, the crew call the police to keep them safe as they take the patient to hospital.

John and Gemma of the special operations team deal with a Glasgow bus that has had to brake abruptly, and in the control centre, call-handler Remy supports a distressed caller who has found his friend dead at home.
Friday, 21 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 14 of 20

Series following paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

In Coatbridge, John and Hazel treat a man who is struggling to breathe. They suspect he may have a collapsed lung and need to get him to hospital immediately.

At the control centre in South Queensferry, specialist clinician Mark checks in on people waiting for ambulances. One patient is exhibiting signs of a potentially dangerous condition, cauda equina syndrome, and needs to be treated urgently.

In Inverness, paramedics meet 89-year-old David. He has been airlifted in from Orkney and needs an operation on his toe at the city’s main hospital.
Thursday, 20 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 13 of 20

Series following paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

Paramedics from the Special Operations Response Team are called to a remote canal side in Stirlingshire, where a young walker has slipped and dislocated her knee. As night falls, the team needs to scramble their specialist all-terrain vehicle to transport her from the canal side to the ambulance.

In Coatbridge, Liam and Siobhan attend a patient who is having multiple epileptic fits after a change in medication. Meanwhile, in Paisley, Peter and Kirsty attend a 91-year-old man who is delirious and is showing early signs of sepsis.
Wednesday, 19 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 12 of 20

Series following paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

In Dunfermline, Jason and Billy attend an unconscious man on a park bench. He is intoxicated but responds well to their treatment as he is transported to hospital.

In Melrose, Mike and Christine attend a dementia patient who has fallen at home. The patient is agitated and confused, so the crew enlist the help of her family to piece together what happened.

In Ayr, Natalie and Sean attend to an older patient who has fallen at home. The crew suspect she may have broken her hip and need to get her to hospital as quickly as possible.
Tuesday, 18 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 11 of 20

Series following paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

In Edinburgh, paramedics from the Special Operations and Response Team attend a woman who has sustained an injury near the summit of Arthur’s Seat, a rugged hill in the centre of Edinburgh. Although the injury is not serious, transporting the patient from such a difficult location is a challenge: the team needs specialist four-wheel drive equipment to complete the journey and get the patient to hospital.

In Melrose, Lee and Nadine are called to sheltered accommodation where an older man has suffered a nasty fall. He is immobile on the floor and in pain. In order to safely move him into the ambulance, the crew must use a special air cushion. And in the control centre in South Queensferry, dispatcher Kareena needs to mobilise resources to attend to a patient who is having trouble breathing.
Monday, 17 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 10 of 20

Series following paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service as they respond to 999 calls across the country.

In Ayr, Dan and Mícheál are called to a suspected heart attack in a block of flats. However, when they arrive, it becomes clear the patient is in good health – if intoxicated. The crew try their best to treat the man, but he does not want to go to hospital.

In Inverness, Stuart and Leslie need to get a patient with heart problems to hospital as quickly as possible, while in the control centre in South Queensferry, call handler Sarah deals with a patient who may have overdosed on 'street valium'.
Friday, 14 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 9 of 20

In Stranraer, it’s one of the hottest days of the year, and Tanya and Caron are attending to a woman who has collapsed in the street. After conducting a battery of tests, they conclude the patient is probably overwhelmed by the heat, but tests also reveal an issue with her heart.

In Ayr, Sean and Natalie are called to a hardware store where a young man has suffered an epileptic fit. On the Edinburgh nightshift, Kevin and Martin respond to a call about a teenager having a stroke, but when they arrive at the scene, it is clear that their information is wrong. Rather than having had a stroke, the patient is very drunk and resists treatment.

In the control centre in South Queensferry, call handler Neil supports a caller who is having a heart attack.
Thursday, 13 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 8 of 20

In Edinburgh, paramedic team Tom and Donna attend a man whom they suspect has taken drugs including ‘street Valium’. He is found slumped outside a shop on Princes Street but, despite the crew’s best efforts, does not want to be taken to hospital.

Meanwhile, in the Borders, Melrose-based crew Christine and Mike treat Alan, a pensioner proud of his once-vibrant social life, but who is now struggling to get out and about. The crew suspect he may have broken his hip and transport him to hospital for tests. And in Paisley, Peter and Kirsty attend to a patient with severe breathing difficulties.
Wednesday, 12 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 7 of 20

In Dundee, Chloe and Fergie attend a man whose speech is slurred and who appears disorientated. They suspect a stroke and quickly take him to hospital. In Paisley, paramedics attend to a woman with complex health issues, including severe pain in her legs, whilst in Coatbridge, Liam and Siobhan respond to a call from a concerned mum: a toddler has taken a tumble off a trampoline and bumped his head.

In the control centre, call handler Remi takes a surprising call from someone requesting a taxi for a drunk friend.
Tuesday, 11 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 6 of 20

An amateur footballer has suffered a serious and painful double fracture to his lower leg. The crew find him in agony on a muddy football pitch. Amid torrential rain, they must calm his pain and stabilise his injury before he can be taken to hospital.

In Edinburgh, paramedic crew Tom and Donna have a tricky incident to attend to: an unconscious female found collapsed in a stairwell in a block of flats. No-one knows her name, and the crew are unable to communicate with her as they try to work out the extent of her injuries.

And in the control centre in South Queensferry, call handler Sarah must instruct a caller to give a patient CPR.
Monday, 10 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 5 of 20

Stranraer-based paramedics treat a Covid-positive patient who is struggling to breathe. South west Scotland has been hit hard by the virus, and the crew must change into specialist protective equipment before they can enter the patient’s home.

In Edinburgh, Tom and Donna are called to a patient struggling with a nosebleed so extreme he has been bleeding from his eyes. His blood pressure is also worryingly high.

In Glasgow, Karli and Craig attend the Euro 2020 fan zone in Glasgow Green, one of the first big gatherings after lockdown. Their patients include a youngster stung by a bee and a man who has choked on some chicken.

Meanwhile, in the control centre in South Queensferry, call handler Sarah fields a call from a woman having a seizure after hitting her head.
Friday, 7 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 4 of 20

In Edinburgh, paramedic crew Kevin and Martyn treat a man suffering from blinding headaches, and in Dunfermline, Jason and Billy attend a 94-year-old pensioner who has fallen at home and cannot get up. After carefully assessing their patient, the crew are able to move him safely into an ambulance.

In Paisley, Peter and Kirsty attend a minor road traffic collision. Although the driver seems fine, the crew explain why they like to keep patients like this in the ambulance for 20 minutes or so, just in case there is a delayed reaction to the accident.

In Ayr, Elaine and Arin are on the nightshift. A man has walked into a plate-glass window, and although he seems fine, the crew are concerned enough about the bump to his head that they take him to hospital for checks.
Thursday, 6 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 3 of 20

Paramedics Gary and Peter in Paisley rush to treat a patient whose heart rate is dangerously fast. They are able to stabilise him by using an old trick - bumping him down the stairs in a wheelchair, which stimulates his vagus nerve and slows his heart rate - before transporting him to hospital.

In Melrose, Lee and Nadine attend a 40-year-old woman with severe Covid symptoms - a common call-out over the last two years. The patient is struggling to walk, and the crew give her oxygen in the ambulance on the way to hospital.

And at the control centre in South Queensferry, call handler Sarah is dealing with a call at pub closing time. A woman is having a fit, and Sarah has to calm the situation whilst sending an ambulance to the scene. Meanwhile, her colleague Neil deals with a man suffering abdominal pain.
Wednesday, 5 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 2 of 20

In Ayr, a teenager has fallen off a rope swing. Paramedics need to assess his back and spine in case he has suffered a serious injury.

In Johnstone, paramedics are called to a man who is suffering stroke-like symptoms, including slurred speech and dizziness. The symptoms are concerning enough to require a trip to hospital.

And in Melrose, advanced practitioner Mike and crewmate Christine are attending a patient who is struggling to pass kidney stones and is in excruciating pain. They fight to control his pain and avoid a trip to A&E.
Tuesday, 4 October 2022Series 3 (Shortened Versions) Episode 1 of 20

Paramedics from the Scottish Ambulance Service respond to 999 calls across the country.

In this episode, the paramedics are called to a dangerous mountain bike crash in the Borders, where they fear their patient has suffered serious internal injuries. The crew must treat her on a remote hillside before working out how to safely transport her back to the ambulance and on to hospital.

In Ayr, a woman celebrating her eightieth birthday has been vomiting for several hours. The symptoms look like sepsis, and the crew need to get her to hospital as quickly as possible.

And in the ambulance control centre, call handler Sarah must deal with a patient who is choking on her porridge.

About Paramedics on Scene

Documentary following the life-saving work of Scotland’s paramedics.

This show is broadcast on BBC, also known as the British Broadcasting Corporation.

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