The Repair Shop Today July 2024 on BBC

Today, July 27 2024, BBC presents the series where you enter a workshop filled with expert craftspeople, bringing loved pieces of family history and the memories they hold back to life. A heartwarming antidote to throwaway culture.

The Repair Shop Today, July 27 2024

DateSummaryNew / Repeat
DateSummaryNew / Repeat
Friday, 2 December 2022No show todayRepeat
Thursday, 1 December 2022No show todayRepeat
Wednesday, 30 November 2022No show todayRepeat
Tuesday, 29 November 2022No show todayRepeat
Monday, 28 November 2022Series 7 Episode 18 of 40

Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

Silversmith Brenton West takes on the repair of a salt and pepper music box of great sentimental value to owner Janice. The ornate pair was purchased in Hong Kong by Janice’s mother, who accompanied her father during his army posting in the 1950s. Janice played with the set throughout her childhood, and now she wants her daughter to treasure it for future generations.

Mechanical expert Steve Fletcher finds himself flummoxed by a talking doll who’s lost her voice. Mending the miniature record player inside her proves an unusually tricky challenge for Steve. Meanwhile, teddy bear ladies Julie Tatchell and Amanda Middleditch take on the comparatively fun part of the fix, creating her original 1960s clothes.

And master hatter Jayesh Vaghela is brought to the barn to tackle a treasured hat worn by a prisoner of war as he worked on the Death Railway in the Second World War.
Friday, 25 November 2022Series 7 Episode 17 of 40

Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

Metal maestro Dominic Chinea is blown away by a prewar ride-on toy aeroplane that has been grounded for decades. Owner Charlotte is hoping to restore her grandpa’s vintage toy for her own daughter Phoebe to enjoy. Rusty and in pieces, getting the plane fit for piloting again is going to be a mammoth job for Dom.

Luthier Julyan Wallis is tasked with reviving a make-do-and-mend ukulele fashioned from an old cigar box. This hand-crafted instrument was made by owner Kate’s father in the 1920s and was played at family gatherings throughout her childhood.

And ceramics expert Kirsten Ramsey works wonders on a collection of badly broken zoo animals made from wood pulp.
Thursday, 24 November 2022No show todayRepeat
Wednesday, 23 November 2022No show todayRepeat
Tuesday, 22 November 2022No show todayRepeat
Monday, 21 November 2022Series 7 Episode 16 of 40

Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

First to arrive is a dilapidated nursing chair dating back over 100 years. The button-back antique reminds owner James of the wonderful times he spent with his grandmother and mother as a child. With generations of his family having been nursed on the chair, the wooden frame is now completely broken. Wood expert Will Kirk and upholsterer Sonnaz Nooranvary join forces to resurrect not only James’s precious chair but also his cherished childhood memories.

Leather expert Suzie Fletcher’s expertise is called upon to repair a 1950s helmet that belonged to a brave firefighter who witnessed one of Wales’s most devastating disasters. David Evans was involved in the 1966 Aberfan tragedy, when a colliery spoil tip collapsed and plummeted down the mountain slope towards the village of Aberfan. Restoring this hero’s helmet to its former glory proves an immensely touching tribute for his devoted daughter Janet.

And metal expert Dominic Chinea undertakes the repair of a vintage coffee grinder that takes owner Sergio back to summers spent with his grandparents in Italy. With the grinder turning once more, it is the evocative aroma of coffee that instantly connects an emotional Sergio with his past.
Friday, 18 November 2022Series 9 Episode 40 of 40
Damaged treasures are brought back to life by some of the country's best craftspeople.
Thursday, 17 November 2022Series 9 Episode 39 of 40
Damaged treasures are brought back to life by some of the country's best craftspeople.
Wednesday, 16 November 2022Series 9 Episode 38 of 40
Damaged treasures are brought back to life by some of the country's best craftspeople.
Tuesday, 15 November 2022Series 9 Episode 37 of 40
Damaged treasures are brought back to life by some of the country's best craftspeople.
Monday, 14 November 2022Series 9 Episode 36 of 40
Damaged treasures are brought back to life by some of the country's best craftspeople.
Friday, 11 November 2022Series 9 Episode 35 of 40

Jay Blades and the team revive three cherished family heirlooms, triggering precious memories of the past.

Amanda Fisher is the first to arrive, with a shattered jewellery box that she is praying Will Kirk can somehow salvage. The 1960s red velvet-lined box was her mother’s and was gifted to Amanda on her sixteenth birthday. She was very close to her mum and has coveted the box ever since, especially as it used to play a tune each time you opened the lid. However, about a decade ago, Amanda was burgled, and the thieves discarded the empty box in the road outside. She found it in pieces, with the internal mirror in smithereens. Amanda was so distressed she packed away the flattened box, unable to cope until now. Will and Steve Kember tackle the project together, carefully rebuilding and repairing this treasure.

Vintage toy expert David Burville can hardly contain his excitement when Steve Hann arrives with a treasure from his childhood, a toy flying saucer! Gifted to Steve when he was a lad by his grandparents after their holiday in Canada, it was an impressive toy to own, and Steve loved it. It whizzed around the floor, spinning and flashing. Inside the glass dome cockpit is a little spaceman who appears to steer it. However, the toy has been out of service for decades. The batteries leaked at some point, with the acid corroding much of the metal in the unit, and the paintwork has faded. Steve would love to share the joy it brought him with his grandchildren, and David cannot wait to begin preparations for the relaunch!

Last but not least, Isla Smith has brought in a remarkable item - a miniature library of Shakespeare’s works. The tiny leather-bound volumes, housed in a matching red box, were her grandmother’s favourite possession. She won it in a needlework competition in 1897 and left it to a very appreciative Isla. Although the books themselves have stood the test of time, the leather-bound box is ripped and faded. The hinges are missing, and the clasp is broken, but leather expert Suzie Fletcher is on hand to save the day.
Thursday, 10 November 2022Series 9 Episode 34 of 40

Jay Blades and the team rejuvenate three cherished heirlooms, sparking precious memories of the past.

First to arrive is Helen Giltrow, with a miniature silver kettle. She’s hoping that silversmith Brenton West can get it singing again. The tiny treasure was made by Helen’s great-grandfather, who was a tinsmith by trade, and according to her family, it was crafted from a silver shilling. The kettle was passed down to Helen’s mum, who displayed it proudly in a cabinet. However, the piece is now over 150 years old, the silver has weakened and tarnished, and the lid has broken off. Brenton is very impressed by the workmanship and executes some precision soldering to revive this remarkable little object.

Luthier Rebecca Houghton meets Laura Reeves, who has brought in a violin that connects her to her grandfather Ken’s musical past. Ken was a talented performer, playing in a band as well as being an active member of the local operatic group. Laura remembers him fondly and would love his violin to be played and heard again. She has recently started having lessons herself and would love to play her grandad’s instrument. However, the violin is over 100 years old and is crumbling before her eyes. Rebecca has a huge undertaking on her hands to bring this cherished violin back to life.

The barn’s final visitor is Douglas White, with a broken toy that has brought joy to his whole family. He’s pinning all his hopes on mechanical whizz David Burville to get it going again. The 1950s tin rocket was a Christmas present from his parents, and Douglas was fascinated by it from the moment he opened the box. He remembers it zooming around on the lino floor, much to the delight of everyone who came to play. Douglas would love to see it fired up again, and David Burville excels himself with an ingenious fix to make Douglas’s dream come true.
Wednesday, 9 November 2022Series 9 Episode 33 of 40

Jay Blades and the team breathe new life into three cherished items, reigniting the memories they hold.

Master cobbler Dean Westmoreland, metalworker Dominic Chinea and leather expert Suzie Fletcher all join forces on some items that Adrian Wheeler has brought into the barn: a pair of ice hockey skates and gloves that belong to his father, who began playing the sport back in the 1950s. His love of the game has been passed to his three children and now to his granddaughter, Adrian’s daughter. Adrian is immensely proud of his father’s achievements on the ice and his continuing support for the whole family, and he intends to create a display including other memorabilia in his house. Dean tackles the dry, hardened leather, Dom attacks the rusty blades, and Suzie restitches the damaged glove, rejuvenating its colour.

Next into the barn is Wendy Innes. Her late father’s motorcycle helmet is in need of some TLC from master hatter Jayesh Vaghela. The helmet, known as a ‘corker’ due to its cork lining, was worn on an extraordinary journey around the world by Wendy’s father and mother. The couple set off on an epic adventure together in 1956 and returned a year later having visited 29 countries on their motorbike. Once home, they started their family. Wendy found the helmet while clearing out their attic and discovered several mice had set up camp inside, damaging the leather earpieces and sweat band. She’d love to have it repaired as a tangible reminder of her much-missed parents and their remarkable adventure.

Finally, James Stainer comes to call with his boyhood bear, Lummy. He’s hoping bear ladies Amanda and Julie will work their magic on this old chap, who is literally falling apart. Lummy was a gift from James’s godfather 54 years ago and was by far his favourite toy. He was always on his pillow and went on cub camps and family holidays, but all those adventures and copious cuddles have taken their toll. Fortunately, Lummy is now in very safe hands.
Tuesday, 8 November 2022Series 9 Episode 32 of 40

Jay Blades and the team breathe new life into three cherished heirlooms, reviving wonderful memories along with the items.

First through the barn doors are Emma Brookes and her mum Rosemary, with an incredible tale of wartime resistance. They have brought in Rosemary’s father’s homemade radio, which he used during the Nazi occupation of Jersey during the Second World War. In an attempt to control the flow of information, the Nazis confiscated all of the radios on the island, and anyone caught using one was in serious trouble. Undeterred, Rosemary’s father hid his contraption under the floorboards, removing it each day to listen to the BBC news. He would then post a news bulletin on the noticeboard at his club. It was his way of defying the Germans and doing his bit for the war effort. The radio is made from an old polish tin, curtain hooks and other bits and pieces he had to hand. Returning it to working order promises to be a tough assignment for electronics expert Mark Stuckey.

Next to arrive is Joanna Carpenter, with a set of dinner gongs that came from her gran’s farmhouse. Joanna remembers playing with them as a child at dinner time and has fond memories of spending time with her grandmother, watching her feeding and milking the cows, making butter and playing the piano. Joanna’s grandmother left her the gongs when she died, but sadly they no longer sound as they once did. Musical instrument expert Pete Woods needs to step up to the plate to revive these charming items.

The day’s final visitor is Chloe Foster from Hampshire, with a musical carousel given to her by her mum. Chloe has cerebral palsy and was in and out of hospital as a child. Her mum bought the carousel to help keep Chloe occupied during long hospital appointments. Chloe would play it over and over, but it’s been about five years since the toy last worked, and one of the horses has completely broken off. Now Chloe is an adult, she is contemplating moving out of the family home and getting her own place, and she would like to be able to put the working carousel out on display.
Monday, 7 November 2022Series 9 Episode 31 of 40

Jay Blades and the team revive three treasured possessions, reigniting the memories they hold.

First into the barn is Chris Marshall from Dorset. He’s come to see master hatter Jayesh Vaghela about his father’s wartime Royal Australian Air Force cap. Robert Marshall served in the perilous position of rear gunner on the Lancaster bombers and completed an impressive 38 operations. During the Second World War he was posted to Britain, where he met and married Chris’s mother. When the war ended, he returned to his native Australia, where he lived for the rest of his life. Although Chris only met his father a few times, he remembers a modest, kind gentleman. He would like to have the misshaped, faded cap restored as a tribute to his father’s bravery and to one day pass it on to his grandson.

Mechanical maestro David Burville is also on hand to welcome Julia Ford, who has brought in a special toy from her childhood. The jointed, wooden giraffe should be strung to a sprung base, so it can move and bend when the spring is pressed or released. However, the strings have now snapped, and the geriatric giraffe is weak at the knees. He was a childhood gift from Julia’s uncle Joe, who is now in his late nineties. She knows it would make his day to see the giraffe back on its feet once again.

Finally, Tracy Marriot is hoping that the barn’s resident silversmith, Brenton West, can work wonders on her late mother’s silver cup. Her mother, Georgina, was born in 1935, on the day of King George V’s silver jubilee. Commemorative cups like these were awarded to all babies born on that special day. Tracy’s mother cherished the limited-edition gift her entire life, but it has seen better days, and Tracy knows how disappointed Georgina would have been to see it in such a state. Brenton does his research and replicates the missing sections with his trusty hammers and polish.
Friday, 4 November 2022Series 9 Episode 30 of 40

Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

Bicycle restorer Tim Gunn is the first to receive his project - a trusty yet rusty tricycle, wheeled in by Dorothea Stevenson and her daughter Katie. Father Christmas delivered it to Dorothea over 60 years ago, and it has been enjoyed by generations of children. She remembers those halcyon days of whizzing around the back yard with cousins, and as the years passed, it was used by her own children, nieces and nephews. However, all the overzealous pedalling has taken its toll. The front forks are bent, the saddle is crumbling, and the frame is rust-ridden and scuffed. Dorothea and Katie would love Tim to refurbish it so the newest addition to the family, baby Bronte, can also experience the joy the tricycle brings. Suzie tackles the saddle and replaces the missing saddlebag, while Tim goes all out to revive the treasured trike.

Elayne Gardner is next to arrive at the barn, with her parents’ wedding album. The album was created in the early 1960s and is now very frail, so Elayne hopes bookbinder Chris Shaw can rescue it. Her parents met and fell in love in Jamaica, and came to the UK with many others as part of the Windrush Generation. They were devoted to each other for over 50 years and, now that her mother has passed away and her father suffers from dementia, Elayne feels it’s important for the entire family to preserve this book so that it can live on. The cover is missing, electrical tape holds much of it together, and Elayne is concerned that the beautiful photographs of her beloved parents on their special day will no longer be protected.

The final visitor brings a treat for ceramics specialist Kirsten Ramsay - a Chinese porcelain figurine of a Buddhist goddess. The proud owner is Mickey Adagra, who grew up in Mumbai and spent every holiday with his aunt and uncle in the countryside. This unusual figurine fascinated him as a boy due to a special feature - when filled with water, drips fall from her hand into the mouth of awaiting carp fish at her feet. She was gifted to him when he was an adult, but sadly by that time she had sustained several injuries, including a detached feeding hand. She has remained damaged for over 50 years, but Kirsten is just as charmed by her as Mickey is.
Thursday, 3 November 2022Series 9 Episode 29 of 40

Jay Blades and the team resuscitate three family heirlooms, reviving the memories that they hold.

The barn’s first arrival is Clint Yallop. He has brought in his grandfather’s notebook, which desperately requires the skills of bookbinder Chris Shaw. Clint’s grandfather, George Yallop, worked as a pathology technician at the Royal London Hospital in the early 1900s and meticulously documented his research and experiments in notebooks like this. Sadly, this is the only one that remains, which makes it even more precious to Clint. He remembers his grandfather as an intriguing gentleman who was always warm and welcoming. Clint would like to refer to the scientific notebook during his own studies in horticulture, but the fragile book is crumbling. Chris is fascinated by the little notebook and throws himself into this unusual restoration project.

Next to arrive at the barn is Matt Goddard, who is hoping an unfinished labour of love can be completed by wood wizard Will Kirk. Matt’s father passed away before he could finish this model of a merchant trading ship, and although Matt has good intentions, he knows the complicated construction is beyond him. The abandoned nautical build has been gathering dust for decades, and Matt and his siblings feel it’s the right time to finish what his father started and share it, passing it one to another every Christmas so they can all be reminded of his passion for all things nautical. Will concentrates on the intricate wooden structure and ropes in Amanda to help with the sails.

Goldsmith Richard Talman greets the day’s last visitor to the barn, Sarah Kershaw. Sarah has brought in her mother Brenda’s little silver locket. It was an engagement present from her husband, Sarah’s father, in the 1960s but has been broken and unwearable for years. It did hold sweet pictures of the couple, but one is missing, as is the heart-shaped frame that held it in place. They lost Sarah’s father a few years ago, and Sarah knows her mother would love to wear the locket again as an everyday reminder of her loving husband. Richard sets to work tackling the extreme tarnishing and crafting pieces that will allow Brenda to enjoy it once again.
Wednesday, 2 November 2022Series 9 Episode 28 of 40

Jay Blades and the team revive three treasured family heirlooms, resuscitating the precious memories that they hold.

First to arrive, looking for the assistance of goldsmith Richard Talman, is Chris Quinn. He has brought in a precious possession that belonged to his late mother, Esther. The silver shamrock brooch was gifted to Esther by her sisters and represented their family’s Irish heritage. Esther was a caring mother to a large brood of nine children, often going without to make ends meet. This pretty brooch was one of the very few nice things she owned. Sadly, Esther died when Chris was a young lad, and he chose to keep the brooch as a reminder of his mum. However, it’s now crying out for some TLC. A few years ago, Chris attempted to repair it himself, replacing the missing green precious stones with pieces of green glass, with limited success. To make matters worse, the clasp is also failing. Richard carefully gives the brooch a new lease of life.

Next to arrive is Claire Hardman. She is entrusting her childhood fascination to the care of silversmith Brenton West. The miniature brass replica kitchen was bought for her nana by her father in the 1960s. Nana collected brass ornaments and displayed them all over her home, and Claire and her sister loved playing with the kitchen every time they visited, pretending to cook with its tiny kettles and pots. It was only recently, decades later, that the kitchen was unearthed at her parents’ house, and the happy memories came flooding back. It’s not as shiny as she remembers, and several pieces are missing, but she’s very keen for Brenton to get the kitchen back to its best.

Electronics whizz Mark Stuckey, alongside Dominic Chinea, waits eagerly for the final visitor, Wojciech Witoszynski. He’s brought in a distinctive metal desk lamp that belonged to his Polish grandparents, who bought it from a fashionable manufacturer in the 1920s. Wojciech spent wonderful summer holidays with his grandmother and clearly remembers the lamp displayed in her home. Since he inherited it, he’s been too fearful to switch it on, not trusting the outdated electrics. Now he hopes the team can bring the lamp and the memories it holds back to life.
Tuesday, 1 November 2022Series 9 Episode 27 of 40

Jay Blades and the team rejuvenate three cherished heirlooms that have fallen into disrepair.

First to receive an item in need of attention is our master of metalwork, Dominic Chinea. Nick Cope has brought in a 1950s rocking duck chair that has been enjoyed by countless children in his family. The cheery-looking duck originally belonged to his aunt, who tragically died as a child. His mother was devastated by the loss of her sister and kept the rocking chair as a reminder of her sibling. Nick remembers the fun that he and his brothers had playing in it and would love his grandson to have a go too. However, the duck is in a sorry state and certainly not safe for little ones to ride. Its paint is chipped, and the pale blue upholstery on the seat is too far gone. Dom gets to work on the metal frame while the queen of upholstery, Sonnaz Nooranvary, replaces the seat cushioning.

Braving the evening air with a jacket too delicate to wear is Fiona Elliott. She’s hoping Suzie Fletcher’s leather skills can save a memento of a brave and much-loved dad whom she called Pops. He was a glider pilot during the Second World War, making several dangerous Channel crossings to deliver troops and equipment to the front line. After the war, the warm jacket continued to serve him well when he worked on his family’s farm. Fiona remembers being wrapped in the jacket while out in the fields with Pops. But this job is not for the faint-hearted - the leather is ripped and parched, and the fastenings are failing.

And finally, luthier Julyan Wallis is called upon to mend an old banjo that represents a father and son’s love of music. Morgan Du Bruler is very attached to this damaged instrument, which belonged to his late father, who lived a fascinating life, travelling the world with this banjo by his side. It has been passed from father to son for generations, and it was Morgan’s turn in 2008 when his father passed away. Morgan also inherited his father’s passion for music, and he's keen to continue playing the banjo. However, the years have caught up with the instrument, and it could do with a total refurbishment. Julyan is only too happy to oblige.
Monday, 31 October 2022Series 9 Episode 26 of 40

Jay Blades and the team restore three treasured family heirlooms, reviving cherished memories in the process.

The barn’s resident goldsmith, Richard Talman, warmly welcomes the first visitor, Mike. He has brought the engagement and wedding rings he designed for his late wife Sarah. Their love story began at a chance meeting in an ice rink over 30 years ago, and Mike soon knew she was ‘the one’. He designed a beautiful, solitaire diamond ring with which he proposed to Sarah and a simple wedding band to be given on the big day. Tragically, Sarah died 16 years ago, leaving Mike to raise their two young children. His daughter is now nearing her twenty-first birthday, and Mike would love her to have her mother’s rings as a birthday gift. Richard excels himself to get these broken, bent and faded pieces back to their sparkling best.

Next to arrive at the workshop is Lisa Scott. She’s keen for pinball wizard Geoff Harvey to bring the penny slot machine that was once in her mum’s amusement arcade back to life. Lisa grew up above the arcade, and the noise of busy slot machines evokes lovely childhood memories. The machine was badly damaged during a fire at the arcade many years ago, but Sarah and her mum held on to this one, as it was always earmarked for Sarah. The family used to pat the top for good luck, which she and her children continue to do. However, the machine now needs some luck of its own as it’s in a sorry state – the fire melted the paintwork and colourful back panel, and the internal workings need a total overhaul.

Lastly, there’s a project for Will Kirk and bookbinder Chris Shaw to tackle together. Alexa Halabi owns a wooden writing box that her father left to her, but it’s broken and unusable. Will and Chris piece it back together and get it looking beautiful again.
Friday, 28 October 2022Series 9 Episode 25 of 40

Jay Blades and the team resuscitate three cherished family heirlooms, reviving the memories attached.

First to appear at the barn are Paul O’Neil and his daughter Victoria from Cambridgeshire. They’re hoping musical instrument expert Pete Woods can get a family heirloom sounding sweet once again. The silver tenor saxophone belonged to Paul’s mum, Veronica O’Neil, who was a professional sax player. She travelled the world performing in the 1930s and 1940s and was held in high regard within the music industry. However, it’s not just the sax that is treasured by Paul and his family, but also its weathered leather case. Paul’s mother and father did much of their courting sat on the case, as they prepared to wave goodbye at train stations. Victoria is also a sax player and dreams of playing her grandmother’s pride and joy - that’s if Pete can bring the tarnished, dented treasure back to life. He calls on the expertise of leather expert Suzie Fletcher to restore the case, and together they work miracles.

Stained glass specialist Matt Nickels is pleased to meet Anne and Bob Bright, who have brought in a badly damaged panel that depicts the Blackpool Tower in beautiful coloured glass. It is over six feet high, one of a pair of items originally owned by Anne’s ‘grandpop’, who loved Blackpool and dancing with Anne’s grandmother in the Tower Ballroom. The unique stained-glass panels were custom-made in the 1950s, but since then they have been in the wars. First, they were damaged during a break in at Pop’s house, and then again decades later, while being stored for safekeeping in Anne and Bob’s garage. Bob accidently reversed over one of the panels, with devastating results. Matt must reconstruct large sections of the missing design, sourcing new coloured glass and leading large areas in order to return it to Anne and Bob, who are keen to display it proudly, as a reminder of Pop and his dancing days.

And music box maestro Steve Kember comes to the rescue when Tina Brine arrives with her late mother’s music box, which is in the shape of a little wooden piano. It sat on her mother’s dressing table for as long as Tina can remember. She was fascinated by it as a child and was left the little piano when her mother passed away. However, it no longer plays, and the grand piano in which the mechanism is housed is broken and scratched. Tina would love to hear it play again and share its charm with her daughter.
Thursday, 27 October 2022Series 9 Episode 24 of 40

Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

The first item arriving at the barn represents an enormous undertaking for bicycle restorer Tim Gunn. Mother and daughter Stephney and Charlotte have brought in Charlotte’s old trike, hoping Tim can bring it back to life. Charlotte has wonderful childhood memories of whizzing around on this trusty, yet rusty chariot, which was gifted to her by a kindly neighbour. She now has two young children of her own and would love them to enjoy it as much as she did. In its prime, the trike was cherry red and pale blue, complete with a stowaway box at the back, and was the envy of the street, but now it’s in a sorry state due to decades spent in a damp shed. Its tyres are missing, and it’s bent, bashed and extremely rusty. Tim rolls up his sleeves to attempt an incredible transformation.

Adam Cairns is the next arrival. He has brought along a silver and turquoise bracelet given to him by his late mother before he went travelling, as a talisman to keep him safe. He has worn it on all his adventures since, but several years ago it was damaged, not once but twice. First, one of the turquoise stones was chipped, and then a section of the silver band broke. It is one of the few tangible things Adam has of his mother’s, and he’d love to wear it again. Jewellery restorer Richard Talman and the multi-talented Kirsten Ramsay team up to carefully repair this treasure.

The final visitor arrives at the barn to see master cobbler Dean Westmoreland. Lyn Gray has brought her very first pair of ballet shoes, which her late mother kept safe for decades and presented to her a few years before she passed away. Three generations of Lyn’s family performed ballet, and she attends weekly classes even now. The red slippers, complete with red ribbons, are long past their prime, and Lyn would love to have them preserved so that she might display them in her home, surrounded by photographs of her mother and grandmother performing. Dean carefully nurses them back to life and preserves them so that they can be admired by all.
Wednesday, 26 October 2022Series 9 Episode 23 of 40

Jay Blades and the team breathe new life into three cherished family heirlooms, resurrecting precious memories.

First though the barn doors is Diana Cook, with a German-English dictionary for the attention of bookbinder Chris Shaw. The fragile pocket-sized book belonged to her mother Margot and helped her to learn English when she first arrived in the UK as a Jewish refugee. Margot escaped Nazi Germany at just 19 years of age, just before the Second World War, and was able to finish her nursing training in the UK thanks in part to the dictionary, which was always stowed in her apron pocket. For Diana, the book represents her mother’s bravery and determination, so she’d like it preserved to pass on to her grandchildren and continue the legacy of Margot’s life. With its broken spine, fractured boards and loose pages, it’s a painstaking but important fix for Chris.

Motorbike enthusiasts Dom Chinea and Suzie Fletcher are eager to start work on a 1950s motorbike helmet and goggles delivered by Andy Cattani. They belonged to his daredevil uncle Peter, who used them to race at death-defying speeds. Andy spent a lot of time with his uncle as a lad, tinkering on old cars and motorbikes, learning skills that he went on to use to set up his own mechanics business. Andy has big plans to display the helmet and goggles in his home in tribute to his uncle, but the rubber surrounding the eyepieces on the goggles has disintegrated over the years, and the leather lining in the helmet is very tired and dry. Fortunately, Dom and Suzie devise an ingenious plan to bring the items back to life.

The final treasure is a job for wood restorer Will Kirk. The hobby horse was Michelle Turner’s pride and joy. It was made especially for her by her grandfather to celebrate the Queen’s silver jubilee. She and her grandfather, who was known as Pop Pop, were as thick as thieves and were forever up to mischief! Michelle was the envy of the street, with her own steed to dash about on. She’s now a teacher and would like to share the hobby horse with her pupils, but its glory days are now in the past. It is riddled with woodworm and bits are falling off, so it’s a tough task for Will to bring the horse back to full health.
Tuesday, 25 October 2022Series 9 Episode 22 of 40

Jay Blades and the team revive three treasured family heirlooms, and the cherished memories they hold, back to life.

The first visitor to arrive is Emma Smith, who has brought a fun 1970s electric go-kart that’s been stored in her parents’ attic for over 40 years. It was bought as a Christmas gift for Emma’s sister Rachel, who had spina bifida. As Rachel was unable to stand up unaided and spent a lot of time in a wheelchair, her parents thought the electric go-kart would be an ideal present. Unfortunately, Rachel’s health deteriorated before she had a chance to play with the gift. She was admitted to hospital and sadly passed away on her tenth birthday. Emma and Rachel’s father put the go-kart and other unopened presents up in the loft, where they stayed ever since. Now, Emma is hoping that electronics wizard Mark Stuckey can revive the go-kart for her own children to use.

Next, woodwork expert Will Kirk’s skills are required to repair a broken puzzle box belonging to Angie Wellman. The box was brought to the UK from Hong Kong by Angie’s mum, who came here to train as a nurse when she was just 21 years old. Due to its puzzling mechanics, as a child Angie thought her mum must have had magical powers to be able to get it open. Eventually, curiosity got the better of Angie and her sisters, who tried to open the box themselves, breaking it in the process. Despite having been broken for so long, the box remains a treasured possession. Now Angie is hoping Will can get it back in working order and solve the puzzle for her once and all.

The day’s final arrival is Una McCabe, accompanied by her daughter Siobhan, grandson Cormac and a stuffed bear called Ted. Una grew up in Dublin with four sisters and five brothers, and Ted was given to her in 1954 by her older sister Christina. Ted became a precious childhood companion, and in later years, nieces, nephews and Una’s daughter Siobhan all played with him. Somewhere along the line, a leg went missing, and now his jaw has become stiff. Una is now hoping the teddy bear ladies Julie and Amanda can replace the missing leg and strengthen Ted, so he is strong enough to be played with by her young grandson Cormac.
Monday, 24 October 2022Series 9 Episode 21 of 40

Jay Blades and the team breathe new life into three family heirlooms, reviving cherished memories.

First, talented toy restorers Julie Tatchell and Amanda Middleditch greet Deborah Aloba, who has brought her African-Caribbean doll Lulu to be fixed. Deborah was gifted the doll recently by her old friend, Joy. Lulu originally belonged to Joy’s mother, who showed great kindness to Deborah when they were young women, always making her feel like one of the family. When Joy’s mother passed away, Joy knew how much Deborah loved the doll and decided to gift it to her. However, Lulu is now very fragile. Her head has had to be taped to her body, her red dress is ripped, and her face is chipped and scratched. Julie and Amanda take the little doll under their wings to make her beautiful again.

Peter Burton and his sister Nicole are next to arrive, with their late father’s RAF mess boots. Their father wore them to smart occasions and dances. He and their mother loved to dance and were well known for their jiving. Peter has inherited the boots and is partial to a dance himself. He’d love nothing more than to wear them just as his dad did. The barn’s cobbler Dean Westmoreland is impressed by the workmanship on these well-used handmade black boots and goes to great lengths to get them dancefloor-ready for Peter.

And master goldsmith Richard Talman is on hand to help Sidney Harbor and his daughter Alison when they deliver a bespoke signet ring that was gifted to Sidney’s father in extraordinary circumstances. It was forged from steel spoons, as a thank you, by a German prisoner who spent Christmas day with Sidney’s family at the end of the war. The German jeweller was based at a nearby POW camp when local families were asked if they would be willing to welcome prisoners for the day. The family became friends with several POWs during that time, and Sidney, who was just a boy, remembers them all fondly. This project is a first for Richard, who is more accustomed to working with precious metals, but he rises to the challenge to restore the ring that Sidney feared was broken beyond repair.
Wednesday, 7 September 2022Series 10 Episode 11 of 14

Jay Blades and the team bring four treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

Greg Silvester won numerous medals at Special Olympics events over the course of his career. In 2000, he was chosen to carry the Olympic torch as part of the build-up to the Sydney Olympic Games. Over time the torch has become dented, a piece has broken off and some of the Olympic Games lettering has started to peel away. Greg is hopeful silversmith Brenton West can get the torch shining as brightly as it did on the very first day he held it.

Next to arrive is Gemma Kent with her daughter Chloe’s toy cat Meowee. The cuddly toy originally belonged to Chloe’s dad Richard, who was gifted Meowee as a child. When Chloe was born Richard passed the toy onto his daughter and it quickly becoming a firm favourite. Richard sadly passed away in 2018 and Chloe and Meowee have been inseparable ever since. Meowee is beginning to show some signs of wear and tear. The barn’s Bear Ladies, Julie Tatchell and Amanda Middleditch, prescribe a new inner lining to help strengthen Meowee’s ageing seams as well as some new stuffing to fill out her sagging limbs.

Electronics whizz Mark Stuckey has his work cut out when a long-silent jukebox arrives at the barn. It belongs to Rachel Storr-Barber who is accompanied by her daughter Jess. Rachel gave the jukebox to her vinyl-mad husband Chris as a Christmas present over twenty years ago. The gift was an instant hit and with thousands of records in his collection, Chris would regularly change the selection. Sadly, Chris passed away in 2019 and the last time Rachel and Jess heard the jukebox play was at his wake where it unfortunately caught on fire. With such a huge job ahead of him, Mark calls for back-up in the form of fellow electronics expert Nigel Robinson. Together the pair battle to get the burned-out jukebox back on song.

Signwriting expert Dominic Chinea has a tall task ahead. Peter Sunderland has travelled from the village of Aberfoyle in Scotland with a large painted sign of Nicol Jarvie, a character from Walter Scott’s novel Rob Roy. The novel is set in the area around Aberfoyle and for many years the sign was mounted on the side of a local hotel where it served as a focal point for the community. When the hotel was converted to flats thirty years ago the sign disappeared and has only just resurfaced. Now Peter, on behalf of his community, is hoping the sign can be restored and mounted back on the old hotel building where it belongs.
Wednesday, 31 August 2022Series 10 Episode 10 of 14

Jay Blades and the team bring four treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

The first job of the day falls to cobbler Dean Westmoreland. Angela Rushforth and her daughter Eve arrive with a pair of 70-year-old roller skates that once belonged to Angela’s mum Irene. Back in the late 1940s, Angela’s parents' romance blossomed at the Astoria roller rink in Barnsley. They later married and were together for 67 years until Irene’s death in 2019. Angela is hoping that having the skates restored will give her dad Colin a bit of a lift. For all his years of experience, Dean has never worked on a pair of roller skates before, and with a tear in one of the toes, missing eyelets and faded leather to attend to, he has plenty to keep him busy.

Sisters Fredericka and Louisa Charles have brought in a 1960s radiogram that belonged to their parents. They hope that electronics whizz Mark Stuckey can get it working once again. Their parents were part of the Windrush generation, arriving in the UK from Dominica in the Caribbean. The radiogram was one of their first major purchases after arriving in the UK, and the sisters remember it playing during Sunday afternoon get-togethers with friends and family. Music and dancing brought everyone together, and the sisters remember their father as a good dancer who liked Ella Fitzgerald and Nat King Cole. While Mark tackles the electronics, upholstery expert Sonnaz Nooranvary gets to work replacing a torn fabric panel.

Mechanical expert David Burville is on duty as cousins Tamsin and Daniel arrive with a toy fire engine built by Daniel’s great-grandfather Francis. Francis was in service during the Blitz, and the model is a replica of the fire engine he worked on. During the war, toys were in short supply, so the engine was made as a present for Tamsin’s dad. With a working extension ladder, lights and a motor to propel it, the model is a finely crafted piece that takes all of David’s skill to restore.

Last to arrive is Gita Diwan, with a very special leather wallet that once belonged to her father. Between 1939 and 1941, Gita’s father was a freedom fighter, struggling for India’s independence from British rule. As contemporaries of Mahatma Gandhi, Gita’s parents travelled to marches and peaceful demonstrations around India, and during that period her father carried his money in the wallet. He was imprisoned by the British for around two years for his efforts to secure independence, but was treated as a hero by many fellow Indians. After his death, Gita’s mother used the wallet before passing it to Gita. Now the years of use have taken their toll, and restoring it is a task for the barn's resident leather expert Suzie Fletcher.
Wednesday, 24 August 2022Series 10 Episode 9 of 14

Jay Blades and the team bring four treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

Mei-Mei Heryet is the first to arrive at the barn, with an ornately carved Victorian table in need of attention from antique furniture restorer Will Kirk. Mei-Mei grew up in the west of Ireland, where her father ran a fishing lodge. The table was used to tie fish flies, and Mei-Mei’s earliest memories are of sitting at the table helping her father. Fishing became a much-loved hobby that she and her dad shared together. Sadly Mei-Mei’s father died when she was just 17, and now the table is an important connection to those precious memories. To restore the table Will has his work cut out – the tabletop is badly split, it's missing some of the decorative wood carvings, and parts of the table have become infested with woodworm.

Arcade games aficionado Geoff Harvey is the next expert to be called upon when Tim McCann arrives with his prized ‘one-armed bandit’ fruit machine. The machine was given to Tim by his grandpa, Cornelius McCann, who was well known by the local community for his Peaky Blinders-style hat and larger-than-life character. The machine gave Tim years of pleasure when he was a child and was also played with by his children. Unfortunately, the machine got broken, and now Tim would like it fixed so his grandchildren can enjoy it too. To get the machine working again, Geoff has years of grime and a very seized-up mechanism to work through before he’s on a winning streak.

The next visitor is Sue Gent, who arrives with an unusual mechanical toy dog. Restoring him will take the combined efforts of Steve Fletcher and the bear ladies, Amanda Middleditch and Julie Tatchell. The dog was given to Sue by her mum and dad as a Christmas present, and Sue has fond memories of laughing and giggling at the toy with her younger brother Andrew. Sue’s father now suffers from Alzheimer’s, and Sue is hoping that the restored toy will trigger some happy memories for him and all the family. Steve tries to get the dog’s mechanical parts moving again, while Julie and Amanda make a new set of clothes and replace his threadbare fur face.

A large swivel ball chair is the final item to arrive at the barn. It’s a job for upholsterer Sonnaz Nooranvary and metal worker Dominic Chinea. The stylish chair was bought by current owner Nina Tillet’s aunt and uncle, Janice and Tim, in the 1970s. The chair became a firm family favourite, and Nina remembers spending many fun-filled hours whizzing around in the chair with her cousins. Nina was given the chair when her uncle died and her aunt moved house. The memories the chair holds makes Nina smile, but it’s far from the design classic it once was. The foam cushions have deteriorated, the fabric needs replacing, and the exterior needs a revamp. The chair's complex curves present Sonnaz with an incredibly tough assignment, but with Dom's help, the chair is given a new lease of life.
Wednesday, 17 August 2022Series 10 Episode 8 of 14

Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

Master cobbler Dean Westmoreland is put through his paces when Neil Scott and his granddaughter Saadia arrive with a custom-made pair of running shoes, complete with metal spikes on the soles. Neil wore these racing spikes in countless running events throughout his life. He began running in the 1940s and twice won gold at the Amateur Athletics Association 100 yards event. He has just celebrated his 90th birthday and would like to have the shoes preserved to stand testament to his impressive achievements and remind him of those halcyon days. It certainly is a marathon restoration - the shoes are so dry that the leather is disintegrating, and a tear close to the sole requires an ingenious fix.

The next arrivals are Nigel and Karen Garry, who are here to bring ceramics expert Kirsten Ramsay an unusual side table that raises a smile or two in the barn. Made of textured resin, it is in the shape of a bulldog in a suit and monocle, who stands obediently holding a drinks tray. Nigel is registered blind and likes to surround himself with tactile objects like this comical creation, and the bulldog barman has become part of their family. However, when the couple were moving house, an unfortunate turn of events left the bulldog with a missing ear and a major crack down his back. Nigel now has nowhere to place his gin and tonic, so he hopes Kirsten can repair his cherished chum.

Art conservator Lucia Scalisi has her skills put to the test when Sophy Bellis and her son Harry deliver a portrait of Sophy as a little girl. Sophy grew up in the 1960s on the same street as the artist Roger Hampson, and Sophy’s mum requested that her daughter sit for him. The resulting oil painting brought Sophy’s mum’s much joy and hung in her living room for all to admire. Over the years, the paint has become dry and is now flaking off the canvas at an alarming rate. Sophy always intended to have it restored for her mum, but sadly time ran out, which she feels badly about. Now is her chance to have the beautiful piece of work revitalised to remind her of her lovely mum.

The final item really strikes a chord with organ restorer David Burville. Norman Kench and his daughter Sarah have brought in the town of Henley-in-Arden’s barrel organ, which is in dire need of David’s expertise. The organ has played a major role in community celebrations and fundraising events for decades, but it is now scuffed, shabby and terribly tuneless. This project is a huge undertaking for David, but he rolls up his sleeves and cannot wait to start work.
Friday, 12 August 2022No show todayNew
Thursday, 11 August 2022Series 4 (Shortened Versions) Episode 30 of 30

Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

Music box maestro Stephen Kember is on hand to welcome an unusual item into the barn - a wooden bench from Switzerland, with two carved bears proudly standing sentinel on either side, that plays a tune when sat upon. This much-loved bench has been in owner Gill Hawkins’s family since 1950, when her parents brought it back from a holiday in the Alps, and it has kept several generations of her family entertained ever since. But the bench no longer plays its tune, and the bears are faded, battered and looking their age. While Stephen tackles the musical mechanism, furniture restorer Will Kirk takes on the challenge of reviving the woodwork, starting with a bit of bear dentistry!

Master saddle-maker Suzie Fletcher is called upon to repair a pair of military mementoes owned by a remarkable soldier who served in both world wars. Chris Adams has brought the items to the barn: a helmet that saw action in the First World War and a set of leather spurs dating from the Second World War. The helmet and spurs belonged to Chris’s grandfather. Jay and Suzie are left almost lost for words as Chris describes how the helmet saved his grandfather’s life at Gallipoli. With the weight of history heavy on her shoulder, Suzie feels a great responsibility to breathe new life back into these precious items.

Lastly, mechanical maestro Steve Fletcher is tasked with the restoration of an old Victorian kaleidoscope.
Wednesday, 10 August 2022Series 4 (Shortened Versions) Episode 29 of 30

Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

Clockwork maestro Steve Fletcher is thrilled to find himself working on a remarkable, quirky train set designed and built by the celebrated cartoonist and inventor Rowland Emmet. Emmet is best known as the brainbox behind all the inventions in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and this train set bears all the hallmarks of those extraordinary contraptions. Now in the ownership of Emmet’s nephew John, the train set hasn’t worked in decades. Steve has his hands full with this one, so he enlists the help of ceramics conservator Kirsten Ramsay. Can this dream team get the train back up and running?

Furniture restorer Will Kirk takes on the challenging repair of a wooden nautical ‘ditty box’ - a box used by sailors to store their most prized possessions. This particular specimen survived a shipwreck that claimed its owner’s life, but the ravages of time have been less kind. The box is coming apart at the seams, the brasswork is badly deteriorating, and the interior compartments are broken and in bits. It’s Will’s job to piece the ditty box back together again - and to solve the mystery of the secret compartment that lies within.

And toy restoration experts Amanda Middleditch and Julie Tatchell carry out a stunning repair job on a much-loved doll called Mary, the only remaining memento owner Barbara has of her father, who gave it to her as a Christmas present way back in 1947.
Tuesday, 9 August 2022Series 4 (Shortened Versions) Episode 27 of 30

Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life.

Upholsterer Sonnaz Nooranvary takes on the repair of an old wooden barber’s chair that once took pride of place in an Essex barber’s shop. Now the proud property of Mick Glozier, the chair was owned first by his grandfather and then by his father, both of whom were barbers - and, according to Mick, every child in the village would be sat down in the chair for their regular trim. The chair holds countless happy memories for Mick, but the years haven’t been kind to it, and Sonnaz needs to draw on all her experience to bring it back to its former magnificence.

Horologist Steve Fletcher and metalworker Dominic Chinea team up for the repair of another heirloom that played a key part in a family business: a magnificent clock that stood for decades above the entrance of a Surrey newsagent’s. Battered and lashed by years of British winters, the clock is in a sorry state - rusted, broken and no longer functioning. But with Dom tackling the case and Steve setting to work on the inner mechanism, Jay is confident the clock will soon be back to its best.

And silversmith Brenton West is on hand to fix a precious metal box that is tarnished, tattered and coming apart at the seams. Made of a delicate metal called antimony, it poses a real challenge for Brenton, who isn’t reassured when Steve warns him of his own youthful experience trying to repair antimony, which resulted in a pool of molten metal and one rather unhappy girlfriend!

About The Repair Shop

Enter a workshop filled with expert craftspeople, bringing loved pieces of family history and the memories they hold back to life. A heartwarming antidote to throwaway culture.

This show is broadcast on BBC, also known as the British Broadcasting Corporation.

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